Pandimensional - Devlog 3


++The Update That Broke Things++

So not everything went exactly as intended, and although my group is diligently laboring on this project in its final hour as I write this, I can confidently say that it is only a fraction of what we were hoping to achieve. However, as not to dwell on all that has gone awry, I suppose I can share what I have successfully done, namely:

-A simple-yet-complex wave system that avoids placing the enemies within walls or too close to the player.

-And a minor refurbishing to the enemy's tracking scripts as the previous system had way too many flaws to be practical.

Though that is about it. Farewell.

Amanda's notes

exhausting week I'm glad to just get this thing done at this point.

-Implemented the sound effects (glitch with playing more than once)

-Custom background music (not looped perfectly)

-Played around with UI backgrounds but ultimately couldn't get it working properly so no BGs

Things to work on for next project:

better planning from the start and better communication to have a clearer idea of our outcome. Think of what to realistically expect from an outcome rather than ideals of a perfect game.

Darren logs

map has been upgraded to have more buildings to keep the player in

dark world has more buildings

hopefully player gets stopped by building colliders?

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