Pandimensional - Devlog 2

Iteration 2 of this splendorous game has come forth for your gaming (dis)pleasure, and I have been tasked with starting the devlog with all of my changes.

My changes were almost purely code-related, as I have been near-entirely dedicated to the enemy programming side of the game, however I still have a list of most notable changes worth showing off.

>Enemies now properly rotate to face the player whilst in pursuit.

>Added ranged enemies.

>Altered light and dark world variants of enemies to have distinct differences between the two.

>Added the Stalker, a being that exists in both realms, but can only be harmed in one (when we do enemy health and stuff later)

Logs from Darren

-lighthouses have been added

-shifted houses will be added later

-back alleys  will be added in later build

Notes from Amanda

-Player animations implemented (melee and ranged attacks) (projectile sprite yet to be implemented)

-Sprites to be added with their functions: health and ammo pickups, ranged enemy

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